Sunday, March 22, 2015

Welcome Carrigan Michael Davidson Berryhill

I am very proud to announce the arrival of a very special baby boy Carrigan Michael Davidson Berryhill.  This is the newest addition to my adopted family.  This wonderful child has two of the best parents I know.  Both have been mentioned in the lowly blog numerous times.  The mother my adopted sisters only daughter, the father one of the finest young men I have ever had the pleasure to call my friend.

Many changes have occurred inside this fine family over the past year.  With the loss of a dear son, and the addition of this wonderful son.  Neither will ever know the other but somehow, in my heart, I know they met before young Carrigan came into this world.  I can almost see the meeting, Uncle Jordan sitting there little Carrigan on his lap learning every little thing that Uncle Jordan knew about driving his sister crazy.  Sharing the knowledge that Carrigan's Dad is one of the finest men he knew.  The inside scoop on his wonderful aunts and uncles, the exciting news of how smart and talented his cousins are.  Then the most precious information about how to make sure he got anything he wants from DeDe and Pop.  Yes, I truly believe this happened.  And I caution all to watch in the coming months as young Carrigan begins to share and use the knowledge that he was given by his Uncle. 

A word for Carrigan:

Young man you have been blessed.  Not only do you have one of the best families to watch over you, teach, guide, and share your life with and so it’s perfectly clear this is on both sides your Mom’s and your Dad’s.  You have a support team second to none.  You come into this world with 3 great cousins that will teach you how to have a blast.  Always remember cousins are your first best friends and will remain that way as long as you want it to be that way.

A word for the parents:

Please enjoy every moment with this gift from God.  Love and care for him for as we all know there are no guarantees in life.  God has given you this life to take up and bring up in his light.  Since I know you both this task is one that will be very simple.  Love this child as each of you were loved by your parents.  Remember when this young man goes astray how you were treated and emulate that treatment as it is quite clear it was the correct action.  The main thing to remember is, do not blink.  Because in that blink you will have a young man strong and handsome ready to take on the world thanks to your wonderful rearing. 

A word from the Blessed Man:

Carrigan, my young friend, live each day to the fullest.  Stretch your imagination.  Love true.  Be honest.  Care for others.  Be a good friend.  Be a good Son.  Make your family proud.  Better yet make yourself proud.  Get your Dad to teach you to fly! (I always wanted to learn how too)

Good Luck my young friend.  But I know you will never need that.  See you have more guardian angels than the Romans had foot soldiers.

I Love you young man.


The Blessed Man 

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