Thursday, May 28, 2015

Rumble Britches

Last night something happened that was very special.  I got to spend the night with my adopted niece and her wonderful husband and the newest member of our extended family.  It was the first time I ever got to spend an evening with just them. 

It was a real wake up call for me.  As I sat there watching and taking it all in, her being a mother, him being a doting father it occurred to me that I watched this young lady come home from school in her little uniform carrying a bag of books complaining about home work.  And now seeing her in the mother role it was quite a memory jogger.  I started looking back over the years of all of the times shared with this family.  I realized how much these people mean to me.  How much I have weaved them into the fabric of my life.  This child has been there through the trails with my son, the untimely death of my Mother.  The tragic loss of her brother. The wonderful times we spent with my wife’s mother at our home and her passing.  Her schooling, the relationships she had.  Then her wonderful husband came into our lives and it seems like everything hit hyper speed.  It all happened so fast; Marriage, nursing school, now she is a mother, and a great one.  She had a great example in her own mother who is the finest example of unconditional love for your children there will ever be.

Watching my wife hold this child was very moving.  As she looked into those beautiful eyes and the baby smiling back at her it was such a moment.  Look where we have come from, we have been there living along side of this beautiful little girl from school girl into motherhood.  I am so blessed.  Thank you my dear for coming over last night and allowing us to start the next chapter of our lives together.  Now we start with Carrigan (aka Rumble Britches!) I get to see him from sitting in my lap to wherever this journey takes us all.

Well R.B.  you can bet the Blessed Man is in for the ride. 

Let’s Do This!!!


The Blessed Man

Friday, May 1, 2015

Budfest 2015

This past week I have had the great pleasure of watching something so special that it is rarer than a unicorn sighting.  My angel wife has had 4 of Elementary school buddies at the house for what they has called “Budfest 2015”. 

They have laughed, cried and supported each other for over 50 years.  And it all happened again this week.  They gather around a table sit and talk about things my ears do not want to hear.  All of the things that at even this stage of their lives scare them make them happy and bring comfort and joy to their hearts.  They talk all at the same time and never miss a word the other says.  A trait that I am sure women alone are blessed with.

A diverse group for sure, one still working, 3 retired.  All having different things they bring to the group making each a very special part that without them the group would not be as strong.  Unconditional love is the key ingredient I am thinking as I watch the group, each taking the time to allow the others to have the group attention during their specific time of need.  It is a blessing to be this close to a group that means so much to each other.

As they prepare for their departure they seem a little closer if that’s possible for the time spent together.  Each holding onto the other just a bit longer to insure they know how much they mean to each other even though time and distance separate them from this scene being played out on a much more regular basis.  Some tears, some laughs, all love.  A more moving exercise I haven’t seen in a while.

As the glow is dimmed from my wife’s face I see a look of pure joy come over her as she understands that these are her peeps.  These are the go to people we all need in our lives to keep our heads above the waters; the people in your darkest times that simply show up and lift you up whenever you do not have the strength to go yourself.  These girls are the poster girls for the US Navy Seals Motto “No Man Left Behind” and of course in their case it’s no woman.  They help each other cook, clean, and just in general making sure each one is included in the good times.  It brings me great happiness to watch not only my wife, but these women who mean so much to each other.  May we all be so blessed as to have friends of this caliber in our lives. 

My mind drifts to my own circle and I’m so blessed to have a few people like this in my life as well.  Think I will go call a couple of them and tell them how much I appreciate them. 

You should too!


The Blessed Man