Friday, November 24, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017

As I reflect on my yesterday it was full of many emotions,   from great sadness to great joy.  I ran the gambit yesterday all while enjoying family and friends. 

As we sat at our last stop last night my wife raised her glass and told things she was thankful for her family her friends her health and other numerous things.  I was hoping others would follow her lead and give me a minute to think of my list.  Well as crowed tables often do we lost a great moment to share our felling.  So I am blessed I have this place.  So here we go.

The top of the list has to go to my wife.  I am so blessed with each passing day we become closer and closer.  I now understand the feelings my Father would often try to share with me about how he felt about my Mother.  He was the best example to me for how to love someone.  And Dad I’m thankful for that as well.

This year there is a very special thankfulness.  You see my dear friend George from Boston fell dead on the sidewalk in the northeast this year.  But for the efforts of a group of recently trained CPR by standers my friend would not have been with his family yesterday being thankful for his life.  I am thankful for those who jumped in and saved my friend.  I’m thankful for him for being a fighter and not letting go.  I’m thankful for his wife for being at his side the entire way.  His children and Grand Child for being there and letting George see all the reasons to keep up the good fight.  I love my friend and can’t wait to see him early next year if things continue to improve.

I am thankful I didn’t spend my day like my young son.  He prepared a full Thanksgiving dinner for he and his wife using money that was maybe better used in other places.  Only to be met with her news she was leaving him and didn’t want to be married anymore,   Very sad.  He was very upset and we were talking no stop during my lunch stop yesterday.  I fear sometimes I appeared rude answering his heart felt texts trying to be the Dad that if you read this Blog much know I have no faith in my ability to be.  We got him through it and hopefully they will be able to find common ground and save the relationship.

I am thankful for my health.  I have really tried this year to be better losing weight and be a better keeper of the Blessed Man.  I have lost a few pounds numerous more to go.  I have started working out again and have an appointment to get my knee looked at next week.  So I’m being better now.
I’m thankful I got to see many members of the Memphis Family last night as well as the kids and Grand Kids.  All are doing so well The Grand Kids are really growing and the new baby could be the cutest thing I have ever seen.  Love those people…
So as you see I have many things to be thankful for this and every year.  But this year was a banner year for the Blessed Man.  And I have to believe that 2018 might be my best year ever.  I know I am blessed to be looking forward with great health and great companionship in every area of my life.

So I ask you to call that friend you love.  I almost lost mine this year.  I ask you to hug your wife.  I ask you to try to be a good parent, which is the toughest job of all I am sure.  I ask you to be thankful for the small things and see the beauty in all things good and bad.  And I ask you to be happy.


The Blessed Man

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