Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I never dreamed this late in my life I would be this deeply in love. I can remember watching my Dad, Bill, and Mother, Billie, interact. He loved her beyond measure. I can remember all of the little things he did for her. From bringing home a small dog in his jacket. To the family tradition of her getting a gift from her birthday December 17th to Christmas day! I also remember we could not put up the Christmas tree until after her birthday. He never lost sight of her and always showed her she was the most important thing in his life. I tell you this because I have been blessed to find my Billie.

I was married for nineteen years to a woman who I thought I loved. No, I did love her, but not like Bill loved Billie. I took care of her and my son as best I could. Didn’t disrespect her and tried to make her happy. Turns out I couldn’t make the last one happen so she left. I still took care of her and my son until he turned legal age. So I am not a dead beat Dad or anything.
Then one day I met this angel from heaven above. She had on a green Madres plaid shirt and white jeans standing in the front of a classroom where I worked. She was new to the newly formed department and was working on the other side of the area. I was struck by her. Well 15 years later I am still struck by her. I have never been so happy. We are so compatible. She does all of the hard stuff and I do all of the easy stuff! How blessed can a man be?
With valentines being last weekend I started thinking about my folks again. This was our most unusual Valentines in our 15 years history. She was sick as a dog, stayed in bed the entire weekend. But it was still special because I was with her. Funny how when it is right it really doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are happy with the person you are doing it with. I never dreamed at this point in my life I would be this happy. I can remember my folks at my age. I am not sure my dad was ever a happy man. He took life and his responsibilities of husband, father and provider so seriously. I rarely saw him laugh or simply let his hair down and have some fun. I am sure he and my Mom had fun maybe it was just after all of us got out of their hair. I can remember we had to be in bed at 8:30. I still can smell the pot of coffee my Mom would make at bed time so her and Dad could sit at the kitchen table and talk about who to pay and who to put off. About what we had done that day, or whatever was on my Dads mind. I guess maybe this was their time. Didn’t seem like fun to me, but they seemed to look forward to it and enjoy being together.

Well my valentine has just retired from her job. I cannot wait until she is home for a while. I doubt if we ever sit around the kitchen table drinking coffee. However, I can see us sitting on the couch with a wonderful glass of wine! I can’t wait for the rest of my life with her. She makes me smile, and I love her madly!

I hope your valentine makes you as happy as mine. If so tell them you love them every day and always kiss them good bye and good night.

Well let me go pick out tonight wine for a little couch time. It might be cold so I think cabernet is the best choice.

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